Sunday, September 30, 2018

Untamed Wilds Session 12!

Hired to investigate strange necrotic energies escaping a forgotten jail from an older age, the party found themselves under the town of Thunder’s Point again. The group consisted of a half orc barbarian, goliath wizard, turtle man cleric of the grave, the satyr bard, lizard folk druid, catfolk ranger, lizard folk swashbuckler, catfolk blood hunter, centaur barbarian, and bird folk ranger. They entered a thirty-foot square chamber with plaster walls over hewn stone, and as the last member passed the threshold the entrance disappeared, and a faint miasma of green mist hung around the party’s ankles. They fumbled around in the dark for a bit until the wizard remembered his light spell. The turtle man found a space where the wall seemed to be flimsy and pushed his way through, revealing a hallway further into the darkness. The group moved forward, leaving the ranged characters behind. The centaur pushed ahead and found a large sized ogre skeleton hunched in the corner so she poked it, causing it to attempt to bite her neck. It missed and brushed past her neck clacking sweet nothings harmlessly. The group murdered it before it could act again. The walls started cracking and four more skeletons pushed through the walls and attacked the party from all angles. The skeletons hit hard but were put down rather easily. The party ventured forth, finding the hallway went on for hundred of feet and there were cells covered over by plaster. The mist was thicker here, and the party kept checking to make sure it was not gas, noting more of a chlorine or ammonia spell. They broke into a few of the cells and stole bones noticing that this place was strange, the prison area was just walled up after the inmates died. They eventually found a giant door with green mist curling out from underneath it. Doing the rational thing, the centaur barbarian threw the half orc barbarian at the door, bursting it open. Mist poured out of the faintly lit room, the party could see it originated from two large basins on the far end and there was a ghostly robed troll floating above them. The party instinctively attacked him and he summoned four glowing skulls to assist in the battle. The group tied to take out the troll witch and found the skulls interposing themselves to block the party. The skulls themselves kept biting people which not only damaged them but caused the victims to feel weaker. The cleric in the group used dispel magic on one of them and knocked it out of the air, killing it. the wizards used lighting and fire to attack and were able to cause quite the bit of damage. The troll, seeing the party was still in the entryway had teleported behind them and attacked a few times and noticed they were clumped. He used an ability that allowed him to ghost in a line, dealing damage to everyone he touched, which was half the party. The characters that made their saving throws took fifteen damage, those who failed took the fifteen and also had their hit point maximum lowered by fifteen points too. Enraged the party destroyed the troll, made sure the cisterns of mist were either broken or rendered non-working and made their way back to the surface to the reward of some new magic items.  

Untamed Wilds Session 11!!

In their wanderings the party found a firbolg barbarian that did not say much as well as their paladin satyr and catfolk warlock waiting for them back in the sword in the king room. The eleven of them tried to wrap their head around the mystery and the paladin decided to try to bend the sword with his shield. He took some necrotic damage and the human wizard got an idea. He cast levitate on the sword and it rose out of the king’s chest and disappeared. There was a disembodied maniacal chuckling and the group chose to leave the castle. They wandered the castle plateau until they saw torches in the distance and could hear large groups of frog men croaking. They were searching the city for the intruders and the party too evasive actions. The group made their way down to a lower level via magic, ropes, and sick monk tricks, making their way past a few of the roving bands of frog guards and lion sized frog monsters. They made it to a crossroads and figured they could set up an ambush to take out a few of the guards. they saw large sized frog men with two heads each looking over the tops of some of the buildings as well as a few smaller frogs in regal garb or armor. The ambush worked well, they started a few of the buildings on fire and engaged the monsters viciously. By the end a few buildings had been knocked down and a few smaller fires had grown into a respectable blaze. The giant two headed frog men took an overabundance of effort to take down but succumbed to the military strike force of a party. Once satisfied the party made their way further into the city, knowing the fires would lure the frogs away from themselves. They made their way to the next ledge leading to the lower part of the city and used the same strategy as last time, repelling with ropes, magic, and sass. They found the last portion of the city sunken under the waves and out in the deeper waters could see a large wooden platform between a few of the long-broken towers with a gathering of both normal and large sized frog men preforming some sort of ritual. They made their way closer on some stolen boats, splitting into three groups, one was the stealth boat, the other two made too much noise. The stealth boat also featured most of the ranged characters with height stealth, so to the casual observer it would appear to be just an errant boat in the water. They sailed over, saw a cultist frog man person in the midst of driving a dagger at a bound figure, and let loose with arrows. The cultist pretty much exploded, gore soaking his fellow croakers and his lifeless body falling onto the platform. The rest of the frogs started running around readying weapons and one of the large sized frogs cradled its fallen friend in its arms. The hasted monk ran past the crowd of panicked frogs, grabbed the sacrificial victim, and jumped into the stealth boat. They realized the victim was the archaeologist they were hired by and started to undo his bindings. Within the chaos the other boats snuck up and the fight was joined by everyone. Fire and lightning rained down upon the frogs and the lizard swashbuckler felt something pass him in the water, so also came up top to fight. The fight was quick except for two stronger frog men with skills in sward and spell, but their resistance was fruitless, they succumbed to death. The party gathered around the archaeologist and he cast a teleportation circle to return them to the surface.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Untamed Wilds Session 10!

After their reward they were hired by an older archaeologist studying a series of caverns within the Thunder’s Point area. They were joined by two new friends, a human monk and an elderly human wizard. In total, the party numbered eight, the ranger crow, blood hunter cat folk, barbarian centaur, dragonborn fighter, human wizard, human monk, lizard swashbuckler, and the wizard goliath. As they traveled into the deep they found an area that was not stable and the entire tunnel gave way, sending the party into the dark. As they fell they heard the archeologist enact a spell of feather falling, saving the party and his fate is unknown. The group settled about their landing area, finding themselves on a high precipice overlooking a collapsed city enshrouded in darkness. In front of them was a large castle with stone doors untouched by time and blocking it from closing were two humanoid frog man skeletons that looked destroyed by a large lion skeleton. While the party sat around thinking of their escape they could hear croaking in the distance. The crow ranger sat and used his super keen senses to detect that monstrous creatures were approaching and quickly from the lower broken levels of the city. The ranger, blood hunter, and swashbuckler prepared themselves for combat, the barbarian positioned herself to be in the doorway, while the monk and wizards looked around inside the large castle front hall. Their investigation found the door could be barred from the inside, there was artwork depicting the heroic cat folk from the old age defeating their enemies with both magic and sword. There was a large fire pit that had some latent magic to it and a throne with even more magic. The goliath found a secret door in the back of the chamber and was having difficulties making it open. At this point the outer guard noticed eyes in the darkness ascending a makeshift wood and bone latticework scaffolding. The party delayed until they had more information, watching as dark figures moved within the shadows while large croaking things climbed the wall of the precipice. Eventually three small heads poked up over the edge, the middle head stood a bit and launched a fireball at the mass of party members attempting to hide in the shadows, and moments after the blast large frog monsters the size of lions leaps up onto the landing, biting out at anything close to themselves. The party made quick work of the first group, the wizards took a break from their research to drop a few spells into the fray. More of the man sized from men came up the scaffolds and were dealt with quickly. Fire balls and other more cautious spells were cast in the defense of the party and the monk worked her flurries to quickly take out the bigger threats. The centaur looked down again and saw even more frog men climbing. She did the reasonable thing and used her sword as a lever and tipped the scaffold over. Bone, wood, and airborne frog men crashed down heavily against the lower level and croaks could be heard slowly fading. The party took this moment to enter the castle as a group and bar the door with bits of broken skeletons. The human wizard took a closer look at the throne in the rear of the structure and found the enchantments would shock anyone unless they were descended from the royal line of cat folk. He bid the blood hunter sit in the seat and there was no magical discharge other then the firepit starting up very subtly. The group looked in the unlocked and now visible door finding boring rooms looted of all their worth and rotten food. The goliath wizard had the swashbuckler help him with the secret door and together they found their way through, the rest of the group followed as they could. They found the still supplied rooms the guards and servants would live in as well s a weapons depository and quite a few rooms with both spell books and weapons, leading them to think the previous people studied both the sword and tome. They also found a metal door with a feline face embossed on it and kept failing to open it. the elderly human wizard asked the cat folk to put his hand on the door and stabbed him in it, sending blood on the door and causing it to slide aside revealing a chamber with a fancy bed, curtains and tapestries of ancient scenes and peoples. On the bed they found what appeared from the art they had seen the king, in his resplendent robes and garb he looked as if he was still alive, except for the black blade of star and shadow piercing his chest. The wizards again attempted to identify the sword and found no success and a few of the party tried to grab it. They quickly found the sword to either be protected or cursed, it damaged anyone that touched it, causing them to waste away painfully. The centaur attempted to grapple it out of the king and found it unmovable. The swashbuckler attempted to cut it out and met with similar disaster. While they attempted to kill themselves, the monk looked at the back wall and disappeared from view, she had located a secret tunnel that lead behind the scenes. She went left first, eventually finding a locked gate with no visible key. The human wizard attempted to follow and eventually half the group was standing in the narrow hall and the other standing in the bedchamber. The old wizard snuck right down the hall and found a tower with mages implements as well as a large tome, that was locked. The swashbuckler came in and opened it with his thieves’ tools and they learned a bit about the culture, and connected the sword may have belonged to the ancient villain the old heroes had fought. The wizard took the book and the swashbuckler tied to take the skull of a dead bird. The wizard told him to put it back but the swashbuckler told him no, it was his. A shirt spat and argument blossomed, the wizard ending it by using charm person on the swashbuckler and it worked. He told the lizard to put the skull back so the swashbuckler just tossed it back over his shoulder. As the skull broke the lights faded, shadows took over the room and coalesced into a vulture demon, which attacked the party without mercy. The blood hunter and the ranger were the only ones not involved. Still, the six party members within the chamber made quick work of the denizen of the darker worlds, finding only dust in its wake and the skull nowhere to be found. 

Map made in Inkarnate