Monday, January 24, 2022

A Promising 2022

Greetings, Happy Holidays, and Happy Year! This year had many important updates in my life. I started the Patreon with 14 updates so far, got a video onto my Book Gnome YouTube page, and started a few new hobbies. From foam crafting to water color pens, I am expanding on what I normally do art wise and am excited to share more of that journey on here. 

The biggest update is we have a kid on the way. Baby Book Gnome is due late May, so things will be crazy here for a bit. I will still be updating when I can while working on various home projects for our new arrival. We had to move our manga library twice, the room it was going into to will make a much better nursery. Our crafting space has also evolved and updates on that will be coming as well. 

I will also be researching other role-playing game systems. I have been tied into Dungeons and Dragons for over twenty years now and have been watching other dungeon masters run different systems online. Theater of the Mind Players have a great selection of non Dnd games that all offer different things to the players as well as the game master. Over the last convention season, I ran across a few good deals and will be examining what makes each game different and hopefully what can be adapted back to other systems. There are other items that are still on their way from a variety of Kickstarters that we are super excited to read. 

I have a few articles in the works regarding role playing games in general, adapting a few popular pop culture things into games, book reviews and more. We are in for an exciting year of updates! Thanks and have a great one! 

Book Gnome Rob