Sunday, December 22, 2019

Road to Auer update

On January 8th I will be starting up a new campaign here in the store. Characters will start at first level for this game. I would prefer you use the base players handbook for this game, making things a little simpler if people are jumping in with new character at the store. Special cases can be addressed if need be. We will be using a modified standard array, 16,15,14,13,11,9. I am attaching a list of NPC characters for character background reasons, I would like each player to pick an NPC to have some sort of bond, be it a child hood friend, enemy, or ally. If you would like to make up a contact for me to add to the city instead, that is cool too.

The adventure takes place on what is called known only as the Northern Island. Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes, and Halflings live together in three larger towns and two small trade cities nestled among mountains and forests. Tieflings, half orcs, and dragonborn are more often found in the small trade cities, they are not normally trusted in the larger towns.

Four giant brothers built this land and became gods, one betrayed the others, destroyed the town of Auer, and was soundly defeated by his brothers. They bound the betrayer to the bottom of the sea, hoping he would never return. His minions still gather in hordes and attack the cities but recently their attacks have been growing bolder. Dark things are stirring and it is up to the party to thwart them.

The people of the Northern Island have knowledge of the other two larger islands out there, one is a wild place of cat people, monsters and nature. The other island was rumored to be a land of tribal panther worshiping orcs that had been wiped out by hobgoblin invaders, it is far enough away to be someone else’s problem. Occasionally traders will make it as far as the northern island and they are met with suspicion.

The adventures will be starting in or near the town of Jarl. Job boards are always a great place to find work and can be found in Smithy’s, the local drinking hole for most of the city. Being an island there is plenty of work out on the sea as well. Odd disappearances have been happening on the trade routes, strange lights have been seen out on the water at night, people are starting to get worried.

Npcs of note:

Smithy: owner of Smithy’s, has a soft spot for adventurers and can help party members get in touch with guilds. He is a retired adventurer, now operating the only bar and black smith in town.

Cervantes: strange information broker and mage. Good natured and has a tendency to get overly excited about magic.
Reginald: traveling wizard, wears brown robes and gets himself into trouble.

Lord Umben: ruler of Jarl, more like a mayor. He and his family have been in charge of the city for many generations. He married into a merchant family.

Bran-Lee: ruler of the thieves’ guild, the Coffer. She is rarely seen but has her agents everywhere.

High priest Felton: she runs the temples of the Three. The people worship the three giants, gaining strength and spells from their power. Gods of the northern island: Korten, the god of warriors. War domain. Telln, the god of travelers. Knowledge and Nature domains. Roth, god of law. Protection and life domains. Neln, the god of secrets and betrayal (evil, players are not able to worship him)

Janriss: she runs the magic guild in town, the Ilris Arcanum. Promising students are usually scouted out when they are young and brought to the Arcanum.

Lady Umben-Jericho: high captain of the merchant guilds, her useless husband runs the town, she rules the sea.

Common foes to the societies: orcs, gnolls, ogres, and red cap goblinoids. Dragons are far less common place. The ocean is without salt, many creatures that normally would be found only in salt water have adapted to this odd ocean. There are many small islands between the Northern Island and the other big islands, many of which have been left unexplored. Ships have shown up to trade with both Moco and Ellic, strangers have started wandering the land. Undead are a common problem.


Auer- once the capital and home of the king, Auer is now a ruin. Neln and his forces destroyed the city, killing the inhabitants. Now only ghosts and the undead remain. The old king was a mage of great power before his death. Before he was king, he was known as the Crimson Count until he won the throne by conquest. After the fall of Auer none wanted claim to the throne, fearing his spirit might come back or calamity would befall the other cities. For almost three hundred years the city has sat lifeless.

Ellic- home to the inventors’ league, Ellic is a dangerous place to walk without watching your step. Many gnomes and chaotic types call Ellic home. Strange contraptions are for sale, most are only slightly useful, like an automated hat tipper or wind up mice. Odd cloaked figures have been seen coming off ships from the other islands, they obscure their bodies, wearing heavy robes at all times, they have been bringing all sorts of new technological ideas to the island. The city has a regent, Lord Nailes, a self-named lord, conducts the legal and political business of the town, seeking trade agreements with outsiders as well as maintaining the peace. The local law enforcement are called the gears, for they are the well-oiled machine of the law. 

Moco- the lighthouse city. Moco was heavily influenced by elven architecture and has tall buildings looking out over the ocean, lit with ever burning lanterns to help sailors avoid the reefs. The elves of the city work in tandem with the elves from the southern forest. Many have sought the elves in Moco for guidance, they have been around much longer than the other peoples, and remember a time before the fall or Auer.

Jarl- the city of the steps. The city is broken into rings, the main gate and the highest ring are level with the rest of the island, the other rings descend the cliff face down to the ocean. The grand stairs run from the highest district to the lowest, connecting the town like a main artery. The lower district houses more the warehouses and the docks, the next highest has more of the businesses, the next three layers are residential.

Telas- a smaller trade route stop, Telas is a wild outpost with all manner of clientele. Many taverns and inns dot the streets and a large market square dominates the town center. Occasionally giants come to trade down from the mountains, people claim they even have seen dragons, which is silly. Telas is run by an elf named Corsco Wightbane. He can be usually found within one of the many taverns gambling at all hours.

Rensfield- larger than Telas, Rensfield was built near a large crater that proved to be rich in mineable minerals. The odd wealth has led to larger than expected population boom. Rensfield and Ellic readily trade with eachother, each needing different things from the crater. This trade stop is run by Alindia Copperhelm, an exiled dwarf hailing from Blagengast, and unable to return for reasons.

Blagengast- home of the dwarves. Most of the mountain dwarves can trace their history to the halls of Blagengast, where as the hill dwarves are more common among folks seen within the rest of the cities across the island. Blagengast itself is a work of art, high vaulted ceilings, carved scenes of ancient battles, mines that reach deep into the stone, and warriors that fight against any evils that attempt to escape onto the surface. Kagorack Stonehaven is the Forge King, ruling the mountain dwarves as their all-king. Other stone homes have popped up where rare stone has been found, acting like satellite cities of Blagengast.

Gods of the northern island:

Korten, the god of warriors. War domain. His followers seek to prepare the masses for possible battle. With the dark portents recently unveiled there is fear agents of the betrayer are on the rise again. His sigil is a flaming sword.

Telln, the god of travelers. Knowledge and Nature domains. His followers have built great libraries in the temples, offering knowledge to all that seek it. They also train travelers to safely travel the wilderness, many adventure into the woods and onto the ocean and should have at least basic knowledge of what is out there lurking. His symbol is a winding road.

Roth, god of law. Protection and life domains. Roth’s followers seek to keep the cities safe from the wilderness, dark things seek to end civilization, and it is up to the civilized to protect themselves. His healing light allows for people to survive otherwise lethal ordeals. His sigil is a stout castle.

Neln, the god of secrets and betrayal (evil, players are not able to worship him)


  1. Hey Rob!

    I’m one of the players in this campaign (Christian/Helanthus). I’m wondering if our PCs have all of the information on here as well? After reading this I have some suspicions and I want to make sure I don’t reveal anything that I shouldn’t!


  2. All of the information here will be common knowledge for characters as well as players.


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