Saturday, February 29, 2020

Road to Auer Session 2: Shrub Goblins

Our group numbered nine, with both Harvey missing and Caber taking up a new line of work. The group bought potions from Corsco Wightbane and headed out into the wilds to find the lair of the red capped goblins. Using the wolf ally they had made in the previous session they made their way east of town and into the forest. Stopping to mark his territory and do other wolfish things took a little longer than expected. Following the wolf, they made it to a river and the wolf stopped, something smelled different. A large toad jumped out at the wolf and another broke cover and charged the party. The cleric used his channel divinity to charm both toads, which would only keep them from attacking him and he still had the spell speak with animals up. He told them to betray their master and help him in the woods. The toads did not think the witch would like that. The witch came out of the water, angry her toads were being delayed. The hag stood a skinny ten feet tall and had blue waterlogged skin. She looked at the party and dug her nails into her face. The disfiguring was enough to unnerve a few of the party and then she came in swinging haymakers. Longshot was the only one weakened by her fear effect and was able to resist her killing gaze. The group jumped to action, breaking the charm on the toads and sending spells and steel into the witch. She made to flee and was brought down, falling into the water and bashing her skull. The group made quick work of the toads and took a quick break for some Nonne grilled toads. Balziros took the chance to make a javelin out of the toad bones.

The group followed the wolf to the stone cave mentioned earlier and found it was a large “L” shaped tower. The large wooden doors on the front were closed and flanked by two shrubs. Longshot, having seen a few tricks in their day shot an arrow into one of the bushes. The group was greeted by a scream as a goblin fell out, arrow lodged in its good eye. The other shrub had a goblin fall out and two more on the buildings lower roof stood up with bows at the ready. The group jumped to attention fighting against the visible goblins with much glee. Nonne ran up and jumped to grab the lip of the lower roof and pulled himself up to attack the ranged goblin, noticing after his attack the eight other goblins on the roof building hang gliders. The goblins rushed him and tried to push him off the roof. All eight failed due to leverage and the fact he is a very large dragonborn paladin. They used their nimble escape to flea and climb off the building. Nomi tried to pick up the goblin next to him but it was too slippery and kept slapping his hands. He took the rest of his turn to leap off the building after the goblins and belly flop onto them. He was able to flatten two of them and was damaged himself.

While this was happening, 04 made his way into the front door, finding it unlocked. He noticed three more doors inside, one a large double door and two smaller guard doors. He checked one and found a storage room full of weapons so he took a crossbow. He went to the double door and looked through them to see a hobgoblin in nice armor readying a bow with fancy arrows. He closed the door and heard the hobgoblin lock it, another door sliding, and the door to his left locked as well. the rest of the group mopped up the outer goblins and saw a large arrow hit the wall next to 04’s head. Nonne came and looked into the wall to see a hobgoblin getting ready to draw another arrow and jumped aside to not be struck. Willow entered the room and launched magic missiles through the arrow slit, killing the hobgoblin. They took some time to unlock the side door and found a secret passage into the room with the double doors. They found numerous half-built wicker boulders and signs of numerous goblins living here. The party pressed on, hearing the sounds of dozens of goblins from the next room.

They peeked through the doors and saw an empty meal hall with a staircase going up. With detect magic they could tell there was a magic mote giving off the sounds of goblins attached to the ceiling, and as they were investigating two hobgoblins descended the stairs and started launching arrows at the party. Nonne charged the hobgoblins, noticing a large rug at the base of the stairs. As his foot hit the rug it gave way, he was just able to get his footing and leap onto the stairs as the rest of the rug fell into the pit. The group fell upon the hobgoblins, sending one into the pit and killing the other. They peered down into the hole and could only hear rustling down below and could barely see the glinting of eyes and teeth. Recognizing something terrible was down there, they left the hole alone for now and crept up the stairs. the wolf stayed on the first floor, not wanting to follow over the pit. They found a room with a large war table, four goblins, and two hobgoblins as well as more stairs leading up. Combat was had. The hobgoblins were slain quickly, one getting a moldy bookshelf toppled on him, revealing the swarm of bugs that lived in the mildew covered tomes. They took out three of the goblins and the fourth ran up the next batch of stairs. the party collected themselves and prepared for heading up the next flight, finishing session 2.

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